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Frequently Asked Questions

Shopping Information

Do You Ship Internationally?

International shipping is available at the buyers expense.

What Shipping Services Are Available?

We currently use UPS and USPS to ship packages. If you have a preference on a delivery service please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.. 

What Shipping Methods Are Available?

We offer a flat rate shipping of just $6.99 for orders up to $49. Any order over $49 ships for free anywhere inside the continental US.

How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?

Each item is hand made to order. Production times vary during busy parts of the year. We try to ship all orders within 72 hours but during busy periods shipping times may experience delays.

Payment Information

What payment methods do you accept?

We use a worldwide leader in secure payment processing. We are able to accept payment via CashApp, all major credit cards, any debit card with the Mastercard or Visa logo, and Apple Pay. We do not currently accept PayPal or Venmo.

Can I Pay Cash on Delivery?

Unfortunately not. We do not produce any custom hats without prior payment arrangements.

Am I able to cancel or refund my order?

We have a strict no cancellation and refund policy once your order has entered production. If we somehow mess up your order we will gladly remedy that on a case by case basis. Or if there is a delay in obtaining inventory for a specific request you may cancel your order anytime as well.

Are there any hidden fees?

No, our pricing is straight forward and up front. We do not charge any hidden fee’s, setup fee’s and in most cases we do not charge artwork fees either. Any change to price will be disclosed before any work is started.

Is Buying On-Line Safe?

We use a 3rd party payment provider called Square to process all transactions. Square is a worldwide leader in payment processing for small businesses. We do not store any of your payment information on our servers.

Orders & Returns

What is the return period?

We are unable to accept returns for custom made orders. If there is an error in production or you are unsatisfied with your order, please contact us so we may remedy the situation.

Do I need an account to place an order?

No, however if you have an account you will receive first notice of new products and sales. In addition we send coupon codes via e-mail at random. If you are purchasing digital downloads, it is recommended you create an account.

Who should I to contact if I have any queries?

Please utilize the contact us page.

How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?

You may cancel your order anytime PRIOR to it entering production. You will receive an email when we begin your order.

How Do I Track My Order?

Orders can be tracked in My Account.